M I S S I O N  S T A T E M E N T

The purpose of the GTWN is to provide a forum for executive women active in telecommunications to get together and “network”; to provide a role model to younger women managers active in telecommunications; and to evolve the global information society in a positive way.

F E A T U R E D  E V E N T

GTWN Welcome Cocktail

6:00 p.m, 03 March, 2025

Moco Museum

Carrer de Montcada 25

08003 El Born, Barcelona, Spain


2003, 2024

GTWN/MWC Welcome Reception celebrates Digital Generation and Digital Inclusion for All

26 February 2024, Golden Hall, Casa Llotja, Barcelona:  The GTWN celebrated our 2024 theme Digital Generation and our ongoing commitment to Digital Inclusion for All at a stellar reception during Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The event brought together veteran TMT executives together with mentees and up and coming leaders from around the world.


The Mobile Century  is a publication of the GTWN (Global Telecom Women’s Network)

Featured Editions:

The Mobile Century: Digital Generation

Digital Generation was chosen as the theme for the 2024 edition of The Mobile Century as it encapsulates several of the most important issues currently driving the global debate around the future of the digital tech sector.

The Mobile Century: Digital Metamorphosis

This edition explores a number of these: from ESG based investments in new networks and services; to developing an open, safe and creative metaverse; to the future of digital media platforms and services; reforming space law to keep pace with the reality of new space industries; transforming the mobile tower industry with VR, and importantly how artificial intelligence will drive many of the profound changes we expect to see over the coming years.

The Mobile Century: Reflections

On the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the GTWN, in 1992, we are taking the opportunity to reflect on where we started, how far we have come, and the journey ahead.

This book contains visionary articles by our GTWN Members and Colleagues who dared to look ahead and write about The Next 25 Years.  The book was published on the occasion of the GTWN‘s 25th Anniversary.